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Internet Radio Climbing; HD Radio Obstacles Found

Bridge Ratings released its latest findings in its ongoing study of media use among terrestrial radio listeners.

Bridge Ratings released its latest findings in its ongoing study of media use among terrestrial radio listeners. Among them:

– Internet radio use is booming. Monthly use will climb to 31 percent of the U.S. population by the end of 2007, and 38 percent by the end of 2008.

– The percentage of Internet radio listeners who consume simulcasts of terrestrial stations also is increasing with 25 percent of those polled having listened to a terrestrial stream in the 30 days prior to the study.

– Satellite radio interest is stalling, and growth forecasts for the remainder of the year have been reduced.

The study also examined why HD Radio hasn’t gained more traction.

“The number one response from members of our sample who have little or no interest in HD Radio at this time was that they don’t see a need,” said Bridge Ratings President and CEO Dave Van Dyke. “While traditional radio has been doing a good job raising awareness, most consumers just aren’t aware of HD Radio’s benefits.”
