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IPv4 Doom Approaches

Running out of numbers

The Consumer Electronics Association has issued a reminder to its member consumer electronics manufacturers that the ability of the IPv4 addressing system has reached its limit and it is encouraging an industry-wide migration to the IPv6 addressing system.

CEA Senior Vice President of Research and Standards Brian Markwalter said, “There’s no question that the Internet must move to IPv6 … There are already more connected devices in the world than IPv4 addressing supports, and companies are using more complicated IPv4 address sharing techniques to compensate. With some projections envisioning more than 50 billion devices connected to the Internet as soon as 2020, the time is now for CE manufactures to help lead the shift to IPv6.”

According to the release, the available IPv4 addresses for the North American region have been used. It also noted that while IPv4 offered four billion possible addresses, IPv6 offers as many as 340 trillion trillion trillion.

Fortunately, due to the then nascent IP revolution, many radio broadcasting engineers, equipment manufacturers (such as IP codec and audio over IP networking equipment makers) and Radio World readers were well ahead of the curve, and as early as 2011, began addressing the problem.


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Should I Be Concerned About IPv6?

Let’s Demystify This IPv6 Thing

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