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Jim Barcus Retires

He founded Digital Jukebox in 1995

Jim Barcus is retiring as head of automation manufacturer Digital Jukebox.

In a letter this week he tells clients, “I always considered each of my software users as a friend. You made the Digital Jukebox the success it is today.”

He developed his product in 1995 as a cost-effective option “to help broadcaster that didn’t have a spare $20k laying around to automate their stations yet get a very feature filled automation system.”

As Radio World has reported, Barcus recently announced a new sales and support arrangement.

“Therefore, today, after six months of having the new team in place, I announce my retirement from the company. … I am turning the company over to the Paley family, Carol, Ted and Ron. Support will be handled by Robert Parsons, who himself has many years in the radio automation industry as a support technician.”

Barcus added that he plans to be on the NAB Show floor Monday to meet with clients.

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