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KCLF(AM) Fined $2,000 For EAS Violations

KCLF(AM) Fined $2,000 For EAS Violations

The FCC fined the licensee of KCLF(AM), New Roads, La., New World Broadcasting Company, Inc., $2,000 for not installing an Emergency Alert System and its failure to monitor and control the station’s transmission system. The original fine was $11,000.
A field agent in September 2001 said the station transmitter was being left on 24 hours a day in violation of KCLF(AM)’s authorization.
New World did not dispute the violations, but said the defective EAS equipment would be repaired or replaced, and that a remote control unit would be installed to monitor and control the transmission system. New World also said at the time of the inspection, the EAS system was not functioning, the transmitter was unattended and operating without a remote control or monitoring system.
New World said an $11,000 fine would pose a financial hardship and asked that it be cancelled. The licensee also said in the rule governing unattended transmitter operation, it’s not clear that any remote control equipment is required or that New World violated the rule.
“Whether New World is required to have remote control equipment is irrelevant. On the day of the inspection, no method was being employed to maintain control over the transmitter at the operating position and the transmitter was operating 24 hours per day, in violation of the terms of the station license,” stated the FCC in its Forfeiture Order.
After reviewing the station’s tax returns for the past three years, the commission agreed the fine was too high and that’s why it cut the penalty to $2,000.
