In a big world of corporate radio, a small coterie of long-time fans continue to honor a piece of radio’s unique history called the jingle.
Now one of the people most responsible for celebrating that history is moving on. Radio World contributor Ken R. says he will close his CD/mail order business of selling classic jingles; he and his family are preparing a move to Hawaii. He also says he plans no further jingle books in addition to the three he has authored.
His announcement has generated questions from fellow jingle lovers, and he issued answers on his Web site. He said customers looking to order CDs should do so as soon as possible as more copies will not be produced. The company offers 450 or so individual products. Visit the Web site,, for price changes. E-mail bulletins will be sent out to interested customers about the inventory and timeframe.
Ken R. said his catalog of PAMS, TM, Spot and Pepper Tanner CD jingles will not be available from another source once he closes. However, Jon Wolfert, owner of the PAMS franchise, will continue to sell his 10-CD set, “The Magic of PAMS,” and has plans for other releases. Info:
Ken said Wolfert is the only one who can produce re-sings of classic PAMS jingles, as Ken R.’s agreements with Anita Kerr, Johnny Mann and other jingle talents lapse when his CD business closes. Wolfert, he said, has no plans yet to license anyone else to sell PAMS products.
Additionally, Ken will be clearing out remaining copies of his books and miscellaneous PAMS merchandise.
In Hawaii, Ken says he plans to continue writing for Radio World – but no more jingle books.
Ken R. Bids His Jingle Business Adieu
Ken R. Bids His Jingle Business Adieu