Radio designer and manufacturer Livio is adopting Genivi. Created in 2009, Genivi is an automotive infotainment platform based on the Linux operating system.
Some 167 members are now part of the group, which include automobile manufacturers and their suppliers as they begin to use the Genivi platform as a common framework for their products and services. Their goal is to create less work for automotive companies while simultaneously reducing development costs and accelerating innovation.
Livio Founder/CEO Jake Sigal says Genivi’s goals are complimentary to Livio’s strategy for connecting apps to cars and says the alliance “is the right way for the industry to move forward.”
The radio company is working on Genivi platforms to integrate Livio Connect with the goal of reducing work for car stereo manufacturers, automotive original equipment manufacturers and mobile app developers. Livio Connect is a technology that connects apps to cars, eliminating the need for constant support and one-on-one integration between apps and car stereos. It was first used in Livio’s consumer product, the Bluetooth Internet Radio Car Kit, now for sale at Walmart.
Livio is an example of nontraditional automotive suppliers that Genivi enables, according to Genivi Marketing Director Joel Hoffman. “By opening up the code and specs to all levels of developers, Genivi will help the automotive industry close the gap between automotive and CE innovation.”