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Local Ad Dollars Slip 4% in February

Local Ad Dollars Slip 4% in February

National Radio revenue continued climbing with a 4% increase for the month of February 2006 compared to the same month from a year ago, according to the RAB, however local dollars continued to struggle, dropping 3% this February compared to last February.
The increase in national dollars was not enough to boost total combined local and national ad sales, which declined 2% in February 2006 over February of 2005. Non-spot revenue jumped, with a 12% increase in February 2006 compared to February of last year. Grand total combined spot and non-spot dollars dropped 1% for the month of February 2006 compared to the same month from 2005.
On a year-to-date basis, Radio revenue results for the first two months of 2006 were similar to the figures for the month of February. National dollars climbed 5% January through February of 2006 compared to those same two months in 2005.
Local business dropped 2% January through February 2006 compared to January through February 2005. Total combined local and national ad sales figures dipped 1% January through February 2006 compared to January through February 2005.
