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Local Chapters Honored

Local Chapters Honored

Engineers in Madison, Wis., and Middle Tennessee must be doing something right. Those chapters took two honors each in the SBE’s National Awards, to be handed out this fall. The winners:
Best Regional Convention/Conference: Chapter 22, Central New York
Best Newsletter (Class B): Chapter 24, Madison, Wis.
Most Interactive Chapter: Chapter 59, Kansas City
Best Frequency Coordination Effort (Class B): Chapter 24, Madison, Wis.
Best Web site: Chapter 36, San Diego
Most Certified, Class A, Chapter 135, Middle Tennessee; Class B, Chapter 118, Montgomery, Ala.
Highest Member Attendance at Meetings, Class A, Chapter 135, Middle Tennessee; Class B, Chapter 113, Knoxville, Tenn.
Greatest Growth in New Members, Class A, Chapter 107, Charleston, S.C.; Class B, Chapter 131, Inland Empire, Calif.
Class A indicates chapters with membership less than the median; Class B chapters have more than the median.
