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Lockett Authors Book on Digital Radio

Lockett Authors Book on Digital Radio

Don Lockett is back.
Not back with NPR, where he worked for 16 years including a stint as vice president and chief technology officer; but back in the news as author of a book about digital radio.
“The Road to Digital Radio” is being published by the NAB and will make its debut at the upcoming convention. The book summary describes it as a management-level overview of where things stand with digital audio broadcasting following the FCC’s authorization to allow digital radio transmission in 2002.
“Local (terrestrial) radio stations are the last broadcast media to transition to digital transmission technology,” according to the summary. “Radio industry commitments to convert and the availability of digital radio technology to facilitate digital radio are at an infancy stage.
“This book will examine the experiences of early adopters during the first year, highlight developments that occurred and reveal first-hand perspectives of broadcasters, manufacturers and industry players as the transition begins.”
It also looks at the impact of satellite radio on local stations’ IBOC plans and approaches to HD Radio conversion.
Lockett is a consultant in broadcasting and new media technologies. He held several engineering and technology positions at NPR, and is a former TV and radio engineer and operations director.
The book retails for $54.95; there is an NAB member discount available.
