The on-again, off-again LPFM at the Houston Astrodome is now really “on” – so says organizers the Prometheus Radio Project and Pacifica.
The 6-watt station, Katrina Aftermath Media Project radio, KAMP 95.3 MHz, is on the air. The radio volunteers, led by a community media organization, Houston Indymedia, worked with volunteer engineers to get the station on the air.
Organizers are broadcasting information for hurricane victims from the parking lot of the dome rather than inside after being told the local government couldn’t accommodate its electricity and Internet needs.
“A lot of the people don’t know that they can come register for FEMA aid at the Tech Center rather than waiting in line all day,” said a relief worker in the Astrodome. “A radio station would help to get that message out, because the paging system is not working very well.”
LPFM Comes to the Astrodome
LPFM Comes to the Astrodome