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Mackie Updates Digital 8-Bus

Mackie Updates Digital 8-Bus

Some new features have been added to the Mackie Designs Digital 8·Bus recording console, under the name Version 5.1. A summary:
A “Use V3 Style EQ” preference has been added to the Mix Options window. This global setting is saved with the session and allows backward compatibility with V3 sessions.
Cut, Copy, Paste, and Shift/Add buttons were added to the HUI layer. Undo was moved to the Undo button. More functional buttons are now displayed on-screen.
Modify Levels for Trim Faders is now calibrated in dB steps for ease of use.
The user now can link a channel to a channel directly above or below it, between the Mic/Line and Tape Return banks (Banks 1 and 2 only). This allows the user to control 24 stereo sources from one bank.
A Peak Hold option was added to the TOP meter view. This is enabled from the Options/Meters menu.
Overload indicators now can be manually cleared by clicking on them, or clear overloads by pressing F10 or selecting Clear Over Loads from the Options/ Meters menu.
Hot Keys have been added for Show HUI Layer (F5), HUI mode On/Off (Shift+F5), and Meter Type in GUI (F6 = Pre Fader, F7 = Post Fader, F8 = Post Fader/Mute).
Record Ready can be mapped in the MIDI Map window.
A Surround Panner replaces the Pan control in the Fat Channel when a surround mode is selected.
The user can optionally remove selected channels from the L-R bus when copying.
Version 5.1 is available as a download for free for anyone who purchased a d8b after Nov. 15, 2002, or has already purchased the Version 5.0 upgrade. For others the cost is $299 retail.
