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Marconi Finalists Announced

Ceremonies on Sept. 19 at Radio Show

The list of finalists for the 2013 NAB Marconi Radio Awards has been released.

Here they are:

Legendary Station

KFI(AM), Los Angeles

KIIS(FM), Los Angeles

KYW(AM), Philadelphia

WBBM(AM), Chicago

WEEI9FM), Boston

Network/Syndicated Personality of the Year

Argelia Atilano, Univision Radio Network

Delilah, Premiere Radio Networks

Steve Harvey, Premiere Radio Networks

Tom Joyner, Reach Media

Petros & Money, Premiere Radio Networks

Major Market Personality of the Year

Carter Alan, WZLX(FM), Boston

Boomer & Carton, WFAN(AM/FM), New York

Ryan Cameron, WVEE(FM), Atlanta

Eric & Kathy, WTMX(FM), Chicago

The Musers, KTCK(AM), Dallas

Large Market Personality of the Year

Amos Brown, WTLC(AM), Indianapolis

Chris Carr & Company, WUBE(FM), Cincinnati

Cornbread, WIL(FM), St. Louis

Laurie DeYoung, WPOC(FM), Baltimore

Kym Sellers, WZAK(FM), Cleveland

Medium Market Personality of the Year

Roger Todd, Tom O’Brien, Melissa Moran & DJ the Trucker, WPCV(FM), Lakeland, Fla.

Brian Byers, WSOY(AM), Decatur, Ill.

Brian Gary, Todd Harding and Susan Moore, KUAD(FM), Fort Collins, Colo.

Mark Ericson and Karen Kiley, WOKQ(FM), Portsmouth, N.H.

Jermaine “Funny Maine” Johnson, WBHJ(FM), Birmingham, Ala.

Small Market Personality of the Year

Alex & Cora, WAXX(FM), Altoona, Wis.

Cosmo & Whitney, KTXY(FM), Columbia, Mo.

Brian Lee & Chris Wolfe, KZOQ(FM), Missoula, Mont.

Susan Littlefield, KZEN(FM), Columbus, Neb.

Monk & Kelly, WGSQ(FM), Cookeville, Tenn.

Spanish Format Personality of the Year

Milton Andrade Cardenas, KLNV(FM), San Diego, Calif.

Diamond Boy Luis, WLZL(FM), Washington

Rafael Orlando, WYUS(AM), Milford, Del.

Javier Romero, WAMR(FM), Miami-Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.

Armando Ulloa, “El Chiquilin,” KLZT(FM), Austin, Texas

Major Market Station of the Year

KROQ(FM), Los Angeles

WBEB(FM), Philadelphia

WINS(AM), New York

WJMN(FM), Boston

WMMR(FM), Philadelphia

Large Market Station of the Year

KSTP(FM), St. Paul, Minn.

WCCO(AM), Minneapolis

WPRO(AM), Providence, R.I.

WWL(AM), New Orleans

WXYT(FM), Detroit

Medium Market Station of the Year

KRMG(FM), Tulsa, Okla.

WDGL(FM), Baton Rouge, La.

WGCV(AM), Columbia, S.C.

WMEE(FM), Fort Wayne, Ind.

WMGX(FM), Portland, Maine

Small Market Station of the Year

KCLR(FM), Columbia, Mo.

KCVM(FM), Cedar Falls, Iowa

KICD(AM), Spencer, Iowa

WKDZ(FM), Cadiz, Ky.

WLEN(FM), Adrian, Mich.

AC Station of the Year

KBIG(FM), Los Angeles

WFEZ(FM), Miami

WTMX(FM), Chicago

WWDE(FM), Virginia Beach, Va.

WWRM(FM), Tampa Bay, Fla.

CHR Station of the Year

WFBC(FM), Greenville, S.C.

WKSW(FM), Cookeville, Tenn.

WRDW(FM), Philadelphia

WVAQ(FM), Morgantown, W.Va.

WXNY(FM), New York

COUNTRY Station of the Year

KCLR(FM), Columbia, Mo.

KKBQ(FM), Houston

WDSY(FM), Pittsburgh

WGSQ(FM), Cookeville, Tenn.

WUSN(FM), Chicago

NEWS/TALK Station of the Year

KTMY(FM), St. Paul, Minn.

WBT(AM), Charlotte, N.C.

WBZ(AM), Boston

WPRO(AM), Providence, R.I.

WSB(AM), Atlanta

RELIGIOUS Station of the Year

KFSH(FM), Los Angeles

KKJM(FM), Sauk Rapids, Minn.

KKLA(FM), Los Angeles

KLRC(FM), Siloam Springs, Ark.

WCAO(AM), Baltimore

ROCK Station of the Year

KSHE(FM), St. Louis

WBAB(FM), Long Island, N.Y.

WDRV(FM), Chicago

WRAT(FM), Belmar, N.J.

WZLX(FM), Boston

SPANISH Station of the Year

KGBT(FM), McAllen, Texas

KLOL(FM), Houston

KLNV(FM), San Diego

WKAQ(FM), San Juan, P.R.

WYUS(AM), Milford, Del.

SPORTS Station of the Year

KTCK(AM), Dallas

WBZ(FM), Boston

WIP(FM), Philadelphia

WSCR(AM), Chicago

WXYT(FM), Detroit

URBAN Station of the Year

WEDR(FM), Miami

WHUR(FM), Washington

WKYS(FM), Washington

WTLC(FM), Indianapolis

WVEE(FM), Atlanta

The winners will be announced on Sept. 19 at a dinner at the Radio Show in Orlando, Fla.

Sorry. No data so far.
