Public comment deadlines have been set for the FCC’s proposed revisions to its media ownership rules.
Comments are due on or before July 7 and reply comments are due on or before Aug. 4 to MB Dockets 14-50 and 09-182. Federal Register publication triggered the deadlines.
The agency tentatively decided to leave the current tiered local radio limits intact. It is asking for comments related to the costs and benefits to retaining the current tiered limits.
In the NPRM, the commission tentatively concluded that the relevant market for review of the local radio ownership rule is the radio listening market and that it’s not appropriate right now to expand that market to include nonbroadcast audio programming sources. The agency is asking for public input on whether the commission should retain this market definition.
The commissioners also voted to hold television Joint Sales Agreements to the same attribution threshold as radio for ownership purposes — 15%.