Bravo to the Federal Communications Commission for taking a higher profile with a big booth in the Radio/Audio hall – an idea of Deputy Bureau Chief of the Wireless Bureau Jerry Vaughan – and kudos to NAB for providing the space.
Real FCC experts answered questions about auctions, tower siting, IBOC, LPFM and other issues. On hand were folks from the Media Bureau, the Enforcement Bureau’s Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau and the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau.
“The FCC Mapping system, which was part of a disk handout, was so popular that over 1,000 were handed out in the first day and a half,” an FCC official told us.
The commission also gave away a frequency. The winner was Charles Green of Las Vegas, who won a 30-day nationwide “Special Temporary Authority” for 93,000.000000 – 93,000.000001 MHz, with 1 milliwatt of maximum power.
The Radio World “Cool Stuff” judges gave an honorable mention to the FCC for putting a human face on the commission.
Info: (888) CALL FCC and dial 2; or
Meet the ‘Cool Stuff’ Winners: The Federal Communications Commission
Meet the 'Cool Stuff' Winners: The Federal Communications Commission