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Mercury Deadline Approaches

Radio commercial awards to offer $100,000 for best of show

The entry deadline, July 15, for the 2011 Radio Mercury Awards is approaching.

The Radio Mercury Awards claim to be the only radiocentric advertising awards. Sponsored by the Radio Advertising Bureau, the awards for commercials and commercial campaigns are celebrating their 20th year.

Announced prizes include $10,000 for Integrated Radio Campaign; $5,000 for Radio Campaign; $5,000 for Agency/Production Company; $2,500 for Agency/Production Company; $5,000 for Spanish Language; $2,500 for Public Service/Awareness and the grand kahuna $100,000 for Best of Show (open to all finalists in all categories).

Awards will be made in New York at the Radio Mercury Awards on Oct. 4. Those who can participate is wide ranging: agencies, production companies, radio stations, schools, etc.

Leo Burnett USA Chief Creative Officer Susan Credle has been named chief judge.

She will be joined by Mike Byrne, chief creative officer, Anomaly; Michael Canning, creative director/senior VP, Leo Burnett USA; Mike Hughes, president/creative director, The Martin Agency; Kerry Keenan, executive creative director, Y&R Entertainment; Jose Molla, co-chief creative officer, La Communidad; David Oakley, president and creative director, BooneOakley and Jimmy Smith, group creative director, TBWA/Chiat/Day.

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