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Missing Lists Costs WMMG $10,000

FCC upholds penalty

The FCC upheld a $10,000 fine against the licensee of WMMG(AM/FM), Brandenburg, Ky., for having an incomplete public inspection file.

Specifically, the agency says Meade County Communications was missing 24 quarters of issues/program lists, covering the station’s entire license term.

An FCC agent discovered the discrepancy during an inspection in 2011.

Meade had asked for the penalty to be reduced, or cancelled, saying the amount was too steep and that its past compliance record was good.

After a review, the agency said neither cancellation nor reduction of the forfeiture are warranted. “In general, an entity’s ‘gross revenues are the best indicator of its ability to pay a forfeiture.’ Having examined the tax returns submitted by Meade, we find that a $10,000 forfeiture expressed as a percentage of Meade’s gross revenues is payable,” noted the commission in its decision. The Enforcement Bureau also found a previous $3,000 fine for WMMG for failure to register an antenna structure.

Meade must pay the entire amount within 30 days or the case may be referred to the Justice Department for collection, the agency ruled.
