Swappers in Connecticut and area states, take note: The Vintage Radio and Communications Museum of Connecticut plans its final swap meet at its current location, 33 Mechanics Street, Windsor.
The event is set for Sept. 10. The museum is selling off part of its collection as it completes a move to another location.
Director John Ellsworth said, “The museum is going to be relocating to our new facility at 115 Pierson
Lane in Windsor during September and during the process of preparing for the move we have pulled aside a number of radios and other communications equipment that we would like to sell to the public.” The museum will reopen next year, in what officials say are better facilities to display its collection of thousands of radios, televisions, telephones, photographs and other communications pieces.
Ellsworth called the September sale a “great opportunity for collectors” and those who are interested in “a nice piece of history.”
For info, click here.
Museum Selling Some History in Move to New Location
Museum Selling Some History in Move to New Location