The Broadcast Engineering Conference will be held at the 2014 NAB Show in Las Vegas April 5–10, and it has issued a call for papers.
The six-day conference attracts broadcast engineers and technicians, engineering consultants, contract engineers, broadcast equipment manufacturers, distributors, R&D engineers and others interested in broadcast technologies.
Presenters deliver technical papers, which are then published in NAB’s Broadcast Engineering Conference Proceedings.
Presentations are limited to 30 minutes, including 5–10 minutes of Q&A. Papers will be grouped and presented within a particular topic area (for example, Implementing Mobile TV) as determined by the BEC Programming Committee.
Proposals should be no more than 200 words in length and explain what attendees will learn. They must be submitted by Oct. 18, 2013, and notifications will be sent by Dec. 31. If selected, submitters must provide a 150-word abstract for their paper, no later than Jan. 20, 2014.
Full manuscripts will be due via email by Jan. 20, 2014. Papers must be at least 2,500 words and educational in nature (meaning papers promoting company products or services will not be accepted) and must be submitted as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file. Full formatting instructions will be provided upon acceptance of submission.
Relevant topics include, but are not limited to: Advanced Technologies for Television, Advancements in HD Radio Technology, AM Band Revitalization, Apps for Radio and Television, Audience Measurement Technologies, Automation in Broadcasting, Cloud Applications for Broadcast, Emergency Operations — Planning and Recovery, Graphics for Radio Displays, Green Engineering, IP Network Security for Broadcast, Loudness Measurement and Control for Television, LTE as a Broadcast Service, Maximizing Spectrum Efficiency for Television, Optimizing RF Coverage for Radio and Television, Professional Development for Broadcast Engineers, Remote Monitoring of Broadcast Operations, Social Media and Broadcasting, Technical Regulatory Matters for Broadcasters, the Evolution of Newsgathering and The TV Second Screen.