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NAB, SBE Team Up for Satellite Uplink Operators Training

The National Association of Broadcasters has joined with the Society of Broadcast Engineers to present the NAB/SBE Satellite Uplink Operators Training Workshop.

Sept. 30–Oct. 3, at NAB headquarters, the workshop will provide instruction on how to comply with FCC satellite regulations through training on technical and operational practices that ensure safe, interference-free satellite transmissions for digital video and broadcast systems.

The workshop will be led by telecommunications expert Sidney Skjei of Skjei Telecom. With more than 30 years experience in engineering, operating and developing a wide range of hardware and software for satellite communications systems and services, Skjei is knowledgeable in all major satellite communications operational areas.

The workshop will cover:

● Instruction on the theory of satellite communications and all operational aspects of the ground equipment for uplink and downlink facilities
● A Compressed Digital Television and Transmission seminar covering the theory of digital video with an introduction to compression techniques and systems
● Hands-on training in a satellite newsgathering truck
● A half-day field trip to a major satellite television uplink center

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