NAB has told the FCC that rules to require stations to keep program recordings for a specified amount of time are “unnecessary, vastly overbroad and burdensome.” In comments filed with the agency, NAB says the commission is able to enforce its broadcast indecency rules without the recording requirement.
The FCC wants to make it easier to determine the truth in indecency cases, especially when the complainant has no tape or transcript.
“The commission dismisses only about one percent of all indecency complaints filed for failure to provide sufficient information … so the imposition on broadcasters of a program recording requirement would not aid the FCC’s enforcement processes in any material way,” states NAB.
The burden of purchasing and maintaining such recordings would fall heavily on small market and non-commercial stations, argues the trade group.
NPR also filed comments opposing the proposal.
Comments to MB Docket 04-232 were due Friday, Aug. 27 and replies on Sept. 27.
NAB to FCC: Mandatory Recordings Aren’t Necessary to Prosecute Indecency
NAB to FCC: Mandatory Recordings Aren't Necessary to Prosecute Indecency