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NAB Urges AM Daytime IBOC

NAB Urges AM Daytime IBOC

Even as an interim daytime service, IBOC digital radio offer a chance to revitalize AM, according to the NAB.

The association says the FCC should authorize the Ibiquity AM IBOC system for daytime operation.

“Such action will provide an immediate and dramatic improvement in daytime AM radio listening, while minimizing potential additional interference and advancing the overall deployment of terrestrial digital radio,” it wrote in comments filed with the commission.

The NAB agreed with the standards-setting NRSC that authorization of AM IBOC be for daytime only until the question of nighttime first-adjacent-channel interference is solved.

“Deployment of IBOC is particularly important for the AM band, which has suffered tremendously from a difficult RF environment, a high level of interference from various sources, limited receiver performance quality and lack of effective stereo operations,” NAB wrote.

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