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NABEF Names Engineering Internship Recipients

The NAB Education Foundation named 10 participants its first Broadcast Technology and Engineering Internship Program.

The NAB Education Foundation named 10 participants its first Broadcast Technology and Engineering Internship Program.

The idea is to expose students to the broadcast engineering field by attending NAB2007 in Las Vegas.

NABEF says recipients were selected from a pool of candidates with demonstrated ability and interest in broadcasting.

Participants are Crystal Dapheen Essex, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Johnathan F. Lovelace, ITT Technical Institution; Varian Cavell Lucas, University of North Texas; Walter Machado, ITT Tech; Anna Markley, Boise State University; Jacqueline Sanborn, Hocking College; Jessica L. Sturgis, Howard University; Teresa Tapp, Napa Valley College; Letisha Vandervaarf, Bates Technical College; and Patricia L. Walsh, Brown College.

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