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NATE Seeks Board of Directors Candidates

Declare your interest in running

The National Association of Tower Erectors has a couple questions for you. Six, to be exact.

Is your company or firm a voting member of NATE? Are you an active NATE member? Are you a managing owner of your company or firm? Are you active in the current operation of your company? Do you have the authority to encumber or bind your company in legal transactions, including signing bank notes, signature authority on banking accounts, and the authority to sign tax returns? In your position with your company or firm, do you have general agency authority to represent the company or firm in all internal and external business transactions?

If you’ve answered them with six yeses, then NATE wants YOU to run for its board of directors.

Interested candidates must submit their application by October 1.

For more information about the process, go here.

Here is a link to the application for those who are ready to apply.
