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Nautel Works With Loyalist College

Broadcast Engineering Technology track students train on transmitters

Loyalist College personnel and students visit the Nautel booth at the 2013 NAB Show. Click on the Image to Enlarge
Transmitter maker Nautel has a co-op program with Loyalist College of Belleville, Ont.

The school has a Broadcast Engineering Technology program and Nautel has supplied it with a pair of VS300 transmitters. Students in the program learn to set up feeds; set up and operate a transmitter; set up a processor along with measuring the outputs.

Loyalist College Broadcast Technology Professor and Coordinator Eric Heidendahl said: “As many broadcast engineers are retiring, there is high demand for skilled engineering graduates to work in radio broadcast and satellite distribution facilities. Last semester, our students really enjoyed getting their hands on the latest broadcast transmitter technology. It allowed them to gain the real-world experience employers need.”

Nautel President and CEO Peter Conlon added, “We are excited to offer our support to Loyalist College and invest in a new generation of skilled broadcast engineers. It was a natural choice for us given that the BRET Advanced Diploma is a growing and dynamic program.”

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