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Network Radio Reaches Key Audiences

Network Radio Reaches Key Audiences

Radio remains a powerful medium to reach consumers throughout the day, according to new study data from “Radio’s All Dimension Audience Research.”

During an average week, radio reaches up to 98 percent of key age groups, RADAR data reports. Eighty percent of consumers 18-plus listen to radio in cars during weekdays – 59 percent during morning drive, 54 percent from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 63 percent during evening drive, according to the report.

Network radio commercials reach many of the demographic groups that advertisers and agencies seek, including high-income households and college-educated professionals.

For example, network radio commercials weekly reach 80 percent of those who earn more than $40,000 and 84 percent of those who earn more than $70,000 annually, according to RADAR.

Laura Dely
