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New A-T Wireless Mic System Uses UWB Technology

Wireless mic users heard about a new approach from Audio-Technica at this week’s InfoComm convention.

Wireless mic users heard about a new approach from Audio-Technica at this week’s InfoComm convention.

A-T says its SpectraPulse Ultra Wideband wireless microphone system is a new application of this patented technology. “SpectraPulse bypasses the increasingly congested RF environment to deliver clear, intelligible audio without the performance and set-up issues associated with conventional wireless systems,” A-T says in its marketing.

“It offers levels of security that have never before been commercially available in wireless microphones.”

The system uses up to 14 simultaneous channels that “operate without RF competition, frequency hunting/coordination, white space issues or infringement from other wireless systems or radio sources.”

A-T worked with Multispectral Solutions, a developer of UWB systems. It said the wireless microphone system is the first commercial sound implementation of UWB technology, which was recently licensed for commercial use by the FCC.

“Ultra Wideband technology allows the wireless transmission of data in extremely short-duration pulses over a wide spectrum of frequencies,” it stated. “Instead of utilizing conventional channels and carrier frequencies, UWB technology uses a series of short nano-second pulses which occupy an instantaneous bandwidth of 500 MHz within the 6 GHz frequency spectrum.

“The signals, in precisely timed sequences, result in the reliable transmission of information near noise-floor levels. The ‘decoding’ of these pulses requires the specialized technology incorporated into the SpectraPulse system – making SpectraPulse inherently secure and preventing signal interception by other wireless systems.”

A-T also offers an optional encryption package that meets the NIST-approved AES 128-bit encryption standard developed by the government for securing sensitive material.

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