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New Digital Infrastructure for Gibraltar

Arqiva to bring digital TV and analog radio by year end

The Gibraltar Regulatory Authority (GRA) has signed a contract with Arqiva of the U.K. to provide a digital broadcasting network in Gibraltar.

The contract — worth approximately ₤1 million — encompasses the creation of a network consisting of two digital television multiplexes and two digital radio multiplexes. Each television multiplex will be able to transmit up to six distinct programs, while each digital radio multiplex will allow for four distinct programs. 

The transmitters will be located at a single site on the Upper Rock, and will replace the two television broadcasting sites of Signal Hill and O’Hara’s Battery. The digital broadcasting network is scheduled to be operational by Dec. 31, allowing Gibraltar to meet its international obligation to close down its analog television transmissions by that date. Unlike the changeover to digital television, there are no plans to convert FM radio to digital.

In 2006, during a digital planning conference organized by the ITU, the GRA coordinated with Spain, Morocco, Algeria and Portugal the use of Channels 30 and 56 for digital television and channel blocks 12B and 12C for digital radio.
