Operational flexibility and small footprint are key features of the new HP-TCA 2/2 high-performance turnable curtain array.
Thomson Broadcast & Multimedia designed the rotatable antenna specifically for near distant coverage, as an energy-efficient solution for high-power shortwave transmission across distances of up to 4,000 kilometers.
The design requires a minimum foundation and enables rapid installation in all types of environment.
“We designed our new antenna to meet the widespread demand for a highly flexible and efficient solution suited for stations with limited ground space,” said Norbert Stangl, head of antenna design at Thomson Broadcast & Multimedia AG in Turgi, Switzerland.
“The new HP-TCA 2/2,” said Stangl, “is built on top-notch technology, optimized for a perfect fit in new or existing transmission systems — compatible with DRM, the HP-TCA 2/2 offers broadcasters full flexibility to meet future developments and needs.”