“Broadcasters have faced a myriad of unprecedented challenges over the past decade and have always rallied to our leaders’ calls for support,” said New Jersey Broadcasters Association President and CEO Paul Rotella, explaining this year’s conference theme. “We faced challenges from regulators, legislators, Mother Nature and technology. And we have triumphed!”
A highlight of the show will be a forum examining the question: “What are RealRadio, Audio Ratings, and the industry trends affecting our business?” Moderated by Research Director Inc.’s President Charlie Sislen, the discussion will include Pandora VP of Audio Sales, Doug Sterne; Spotify’s Zach Rosenow; Triton Digital’s SVP of Digital Sales, Mike Reznick; RAB President and CEO Erica Farber; Connoisseur’s Founder/CEO, Jeff Warshaw; CBS Radio’s, Scott Herman; and Radha Subramanyam, Clear Channel, EVP, Insights, Research and Analytics.
The NJBA will also host a “Broadcaster Row” with at least four live broadcasts directly from the conference floor.
Last year, over 400 broadcasters and 77 students from around the region gathered in Atlantic City.
More details about the conference will be available in coming editions of QuickNews and on the NJBA website as the conference dates approach.
Special room rates are available to attendees using Group Code: SCNJBA4. The offer ends May 30.
The 67th Annual Conference and Gala will take place in Atlantic City, N.J., at Caesars, June 17–18.