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Norway Has New Association for Locals

Aims to facilitate the transition of local stations toward digital

The Norwegian radio industry now has a second trade association for local radio — the Foreningen Norsk Lokalradio, the Association of Norwegian Local Radio.

The organization aims to provide information to local radio stations during the transition phase from FM to digital radio, saying it will tackle a range of issues and conditions that must be answered and negotiated for both the digital and FM licensees

According to, Hans Christian Andersen and Øyvind Bischoff Mangerud of POPradio are behind the new group. Mangerud is responsible for the start up and project management of the new organization. The newcomer local radio group says it promotes the eventual switch off of the FM network, contrary to Norsk Lokalradioforbund, the original Norwegian local radio association, which it says, wants to preserve the FM network.

Norsk Lokalradioforbund argues that it is not opposing DAB but rather believes that local radio should be able to broadcast both DAB and FM, says Digital Radio Insider. And that local radio themselves should decide on this rather than a media authority. 

Foreningen Norsk Lokalradio added that it plans on working with all types of local radio stations — small, large, nonprofit and commercial — to ensure acceptable conditions for the stations in the digital radio market.
