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NPR Offers Scholarships to PRC

NPR Offers Scholarships to PRC

To encourage diverse voices in public radio, NPR is offering 5 scholarships to subsidize the costs of attending the Public Radio Conference (May 14-18) this year. The scholarship amount of $1,300 per person will be used for show registration and hotel rooms in New Orleans. Participants are responsible for travel, meals and incidental expenses.
These scholarships are available for people early in their public radio careers who work in the programming or new media field. Both public radio station staff and independent producers can apply for a scholarship.
To qualify, applicants must: have a minimum of six months experience in public radio; work in programming and/or new media; be a person of color or working in an underserved area (rural area or at a minority station) and be attending his or her first PRC.
Please submit the following items by 5 p.m. Eastern, Friday, April 4: What you hope to gain from attending PRC; Why you need a scholarship; A resume and professional reference from someone familiar with your work; (applicable only for station staff) Signature of a supervisor or an authorized representative (for NPR member station staff) indicating permission to apply for a PRC scholarship.
Scholarship recipients will be announced by Monday, April 14. Scholarship recipients are required to confirm registration information and hotel reservations by April 21st.
Send applications to: PRC Scholarships, c/o NPR Training Department, attn. L. Erwin, National Public Radio, 635 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20001.
Check out for more conference details.

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