Program delays and related hardware are the hot product category in the wake of the indecency enforcement and debate. OMT is calling attention to a product it offers called MDelay. It was designed in 1996 for broadcasters who wanted to carry the Howard Stern show in Canada.
“The original airing of the show, uncut, led to penalties and warnings” from the regulatory body in Canada, according to OMT’s Ron Paley. “This led our MediaTouch client CHOM in Montreal, part of CHUM, to request a variable high-quality broadcast delay that would permit on-the-fly editing of the show prior to air playout. Denis Dion was the engineer and implemented the MDelay into the CHUM air system.”
Paley said John Coldwell of Corus Toronto then implemented the product, and both broadcasters have used it without penalty. The digital system, based on a PC with software, offers 0 to 70 minutes of delay. Paley said it gives the operator three chances to make a change.
“If it can work in Canada,” he said, “it can work anywhere.”
The system will be shown at NAB in Las Vegas.
OMT Has Program Delay System
OMT Has Program Delay System