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Pacifica Announces New Interim Executive Director

William Crosier — “I will do everything in my power to ensure the Pacifica Foundation’s survival”

There’s a new interim director at the Pacifica Foundation replacing Lydia Brazon. In a weekend announcement it was announced that biomedical industry businessman William Crosier will take up the position at the beleaguered broadcaster.

A release described the situation as such, “The network … faces an increasingly acute financial situation, with litigation recently filed by the Empire State Building for unpaid transmitter tower rent for station WBAI, and an investigation in progress by the California Attorney General’s Registry of Charitable Trusts over delinquent financial audits.”

It has also been subjected to a lengthy civil war between various factions at the national and local levels over control of the network and individual stations.

Crosier said, “I will do everything in my power to ensure the Pacifica Foundation’s survival until I can hand over the network to the care of a new visionary leader … I know we have serious challenges ahead, but I look forward to working together with Pacifica staff and volunteers to catch up on the things we’ve been neglecting, and guide us to a better place”.

The announcement didn’t mention Crosier’s radio experience beyond that he was a “radio aficionado” and has served on the Pacifica Foundation board twice.

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