The South Carolina Broadcasters Association Winter Conference is rolling up. Scheduled for Jan. 21–22 at the Hilton Columbia Center in Columbia, S.C., the event will feature association business, sales and engineering sessions along with an exhibitor floor.
One highlight of the two-day show will be the Awards of Distinction reception and dinner, Jan. 22, starting at 6 p.m.
Engineering sessions include: “Grounding Concepts and Techniques for Broadcast,” “RF and Antenna Transition Strategies — What Effects the TV Repack Will Have on FM and Broadcast Towers” and “Directional Couplers and In-Line Wattmeters — Characteristics and Errors in Reflected Power Measurements.”
In addition, there will be FCC Regulatory update session, state regulatory lunch along with sales and management seminars.
Some listed exhibitors include Broadcast Electronics, Broadcasters General Store, BSW, Burli, Comrex, Davicom, DoubleRadius, ENCO, Logitek, Nautel, RCS, RF Specialties/Dielectric, Sabre, SCMS, Shively Labs and Tieline.
Jan. 15 is the deadline for registration.