NPR Distribution has awarded two scholarships to this year’s NPR Public Radio Engineering Conference. Portland, Ore’s KBOO(FM) CE John Mackey and Talkeetna, Alaska’s KTNA(FM) GM Julianne McGinness are the first-time PREC scholarship recipients.
“Both John and Julianne presented excellent reasons why the PREC scholarship would be valuable to themselves and their stations,” said Fredessa Hamilton, manager of technology training for NPR distribution.
“Julianne is actively involved in establishing a regional engineering cooperative program for the six sister stations of Community Radio of Alaska, to serve remote rural stations. John expressed an urgent need to know more about distribution technology, HD Radio and cascading/transcoding issues to assist his community radio station. These folks represent the kind of stations at which we hope to have significant impact through the Technology Training Initiative,” said Hamilton.
The PREC is April 16, 17, preceeding NAB2004 in Las Vegas. Topics/times to be determined.
PREC Scholarships Awarded
PREC Scholarships Awarded