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PTC Calls Clear Channel Deal Unacceptable

PTC Calls Clear Channel Deal Unacceptable

The Parents Television Council opposes the deal between Clear Channel and the FCC that settles all indecency claims against the company in exchange for $1.75 million and the broadcaster’s continued use of its zero-tolerance policy, which includes the use of profanity delay equipment at stations.
The PTC is examining its legal alternatives to oppose the agreement.
PC President Brent Bozell stated that “Clear Channel Communications has made sincere and productive steps toward enforcing commonsense broadcast decency standards, and we commend them for taking a leadership position which all broadcasters should follow.”
But Bozell says the agreement is “not acceptable. It ignores hundreds of complaints representing thousands of concerned parents who have every right to be heard. The FCC has rejected the concerns of American taxpayers in favor of a corporate payoff.”
The PTC is a grassroots organization formed in 1995 works with elected officials to enforce broadcast decency standards and fights the use of programming containing sex, violence and profanity on TV and other media.
