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RadioShack Reminds Consumers to Prepare for Power Outages

Lists radio as important aspect of severe weather preparation

RadioShack recently reminded customers that winter is coming. Well, in many parts of the country, it already feels as if the season has arrived, but there is still time to prepare for severe weather and power outages. The consumer electronics retailer says radio is a key part of staying safe.

“Recent weather events remind us how important it is to have the right resources to stay safe and connected. We heard from thousands of customers wishing for a weather radio to monitor storms or who were fighting the frustration of low battery power on phones and laptops with no way to charge them,” said Paul Rutenis, chief merchandising officer at RadioShack. “With decades of experience in weather prep tech and the widest weather and emergency radio assortment available in stores, RadioShack offers the advice and resources to help get you and your home ready in the event of an emergency.”

The store recommends battery-operated or hand-crank radios in the event of power outages because of their ability to keep listeners informed about weather alerts and news events. Surge protectors are also a good call for any electronic.

For those looking for more tips, RadioShack has a Weather Prep Center complete with a preparedness checklist and products that can be purchased in store or online.
