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Ranks of Female GMs Rise … Slowly

Quick, what percentage of radio GMs are women?

Quick, what percentage of radio GMs are women?

The latest MIW Gender Analysis Study is out. Among other findings, the group says the greatest opportunities for women continue to be in sales management.

As for the GMs: Out of 10,600 or so AM and FM stations tallied, 1,690 or 15.9% have women as GM. That’s up from 15.3% in 2006 and 13.4% five years ago.

MIW said trends in the top 100 markets remain about the same.

“In 2007 16.7% of stations in these markets were managed by women, compared to 16.1% in 2006 but up from 14.5% five years ago in 2002. There’s been essentially no change for the five years between 2002 and 2007 for women SMs or PDs,” the group stated. It uses M Street data.

“The greatest challenge for women is in programming,” it continued. Women program 10.7% of stations, up 0.3% since 2002. “In the top 100 markets, women program only 9.8% of all stations.”

The best management opportunities for women continue to be in sales where 30.4% of stations had women SMs, a slight increase over five years ago.
