“Driving Investment and Innovation While Protecting Consumers.”
That’s how former FCC Chairman Kevin Martin saw the accomplishments of the commission during his term as reported here last week in The Leslie Report.
You can read the report in PDF form here.
The conclusion summarizes Martin’s view on the issues of his day:
“Technological advances, converging business models, and the digitalization of services have created unparalleled opportunities and considerable challenges. Under Chairman Martin’s leadership, the Commission has produced meaningful results for consumers. It put in place the appropriate regulatory framework that achieves the twin goals of spurring investment and establishing open platforms to deliver choice and innovation to consumers. In almost all cases vigorous competition has enabled consumers to get newer and more innovative technologies and communications services at ever-declining prices. Television programs are sold on the Internet and streamed wirelessly to mobile devices; teenagers communicate over IM, SMS and MySpace, not the landline phone; DVRs mean you watch your TV when and where you want; mobile phones show movies, play songs, photograph your kids, and even send you emergency messages. The Commission’s efforts in recent years have helped all Americans reap the rewards of convergence and the broadband revolution.”
Comment about your own views of Martin’s tenure; send letters to the editor to radioworld@nbmedia.com.