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RealTraps Has Free Software and Tutorials

RealTraps Has Free Software and Tutorials

RealTraps has upgraded ModeCalc, its graphical room mode prediction software.
The company says the free download helps people design a new listening room or assess the low-frequency response in an existing room. It offers features such as a display that better identifies modes that are too close together, and a revised and expanded tutorial in the included Help system.
Additionally, RealTraps added a Windows version of its Frequency-Distance Calculator to its Web site. The tool identifies boundary-related peaks and nulls, and distinguishes them from modal peaks and nulls. Both programs can be downloaded from the RealTraps Acoustics Info page.
Links to acoustics-related articles and educational videos, including a video that describes how to set up and acoustically treat both two-channel and surround listening rooms, have been added to the site.
