RealTraps has upgraded ModeCalc, its graphical room mode prediction software.
The company says the free download helps people design a new listening room or assess the low-frequency response in an existing room. It offers features such as a display that better identifies modes that are too close together, and a revised and expanded tutorial in the included Help system.
Additionally, RealTraps added a Windows version of its Frequency-Distance Calculator to its Web site. The tool identifies boundary-related peaks and nulls, and distinguishes them from modal peaks and nulls. Both programs can be downloaded from the RealTraps Acoustics Info page.
Links to acoustics-related articles and educational videos, including a video that describes how to set up and acoustically treat both two-channel and surround listening rooms, have been added to the site.
RealTraps Has Free Software and Tutorials
RealTraps Has Free Software and Tutorials