The Alabama Broadcasters Association held an HD Radio seminar over the recent Memorial Day weekend as part of its ABA Engineering Academy program.
Larry Wilkins, ABA Engineering Academy Director, rode herd. He explained, “This was the first of several special subject seminars the ABA Engineering Academy is planning..”
He was very happy with the results, “Based on the response we feel this is something engineers are looking for. We had 30 in attendance (on a holiday weekend) to hear Frank Foti, CEO of Telos Alliance, and Jeff Welton, National Sales Engineer, Nautel. The presentations covering audio processing and basics of HD Radio were most informative and timely.”
Wilkins added, “I think everyone that attended went away with a much better understanding of how to make HD Radio work correctly. The seminar was offered at no charge and was underwritten by Telos Alliance, Nautel, RF Specialties South and the ABA Engineering Academy.”
He provided a list of comments from attendees:
“I enjoyed the HD seminar Saturday. The insights into the audio processing were especially informative. Thank you and the ABA for a good program.”
“WOW!!!! I really enjoyed the processing. My wife said, ‘Sounds boring to me.’ I told her this guy is the ‘George Strait’ of radio processing. Thanks for all you do!”
“Great job on the seminar this weekend; it is good to know that with a good presentation, you can bring out many guys on a holiday weekend.”
“I want to thank you and the ABA for hosting this weekend’s HD Radio seminar. There is no argument that Frank Foti and Jeff Welton are major figures in the broadcast engineering universe, and from that session I gained not only valuable information but also a reinvigoration about engineering in general.”
“I really enjoyed the seminar. The Omnia presentation on processor intermodulation distortion was something I had never thought about, but makes perfect sense after hearing the distortion on the voice. Jeff is always entertaining. Either one would have been worth the trip, but both on the same ticket was icing on the cake.”
“I learned valuable things that I wish I had known about years ago and really hope this moves radio to a further level.”
The seminar has been placed online here.
On a final note, Wilkins notes that at the ABA Summer Convention there will be an Engineering Day, Aug. 16. Planned are speakers discussing audio over IP.