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RFE/RL Back on FM in Ukraine Capital

RFE/RL Back on FM in Ukraine Capital

Ukrainian broadcasts of RFE/RL are available on FM in that country’s capital again after about a year, the organization said.
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty said its “Voice of Kyiv” began rebroadcasting RFE/RL Ukrainian service programs May 9. It said its Ukrainian Service programs had been carried on FM by a national network until last year, but were “dropped under pressure from the Kuchma regime in February 2004, prior to the contentious fall 2004 presidential elections.”
RFE/RL President Thomas A. Dine issued a statement noting “revived interest of Ukrainian media in carrying RFE/RL programs” and said it shows a “dramatic change” in the country under the presidency of Viktor Yushchenko.
Elsewhere in that country, the broadcasts can be heard on shortwave and satellite, as well as on AM, FM or other bands in some cities. RFE/RL said it would like to establish partnerships with more stations in the hope of achieving nationwide FM coverage. Ukrainian Service broadcasts are produced in Prague and Kyiv.
