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RMC Takes Two Studer OnAir 3000s

French broadcaster selects Studer OnAir 3000 digital consoles for Paris studios

RMC, third-ranked among privately-owned radio stations in France, recently bought two Studer OnAir 3000 digital broadcast consoles from Harman for its studio production facilities in Paris. The consoles are equipped with 18 faders to control the microphones, with additional input coming from codecs, telephone and audio servers.

Configured and supplied by the Broadcast Division of Audiopole, Studer’s French distributor, the new consoles are the latest phase in a relationship that extends back more than a decade. Audiopole first equipped RMC’s three studios in Paris in 2001 with Studer OnAir 2000s.

RMC currently uses two identical studios — one for on-air programs, one for production. It decided it was time to upgrade its consoles, along with other equipment.

Ruben Vicente, technical director deputy in charge of the project said: “Two teams were set up to survey the market — the user team and maintenance team. Several consoles were evaluated and finally both teams decided upon the OnAir 3000.”
