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RTDNA Research: Newsroom Salaries Rise

Salary gains are the biggest in years for radio and television newsrooms

The latest Radio Television Digital News Association research has concluded that radio and television newsrooms are posting their largest salary gains in years. Radio salaries are up 3.1%, and TV salaries are up 4.8%.

Median salaries for radio news directors, reporters and producers have started to grow after years of slow or no growth at all. With the exception of sports anchors and reporters, salaries at non-commercial stations are running 25% higher than at commercial stations.

Median salaries in television have generally risen steadily in the past five years, with the exceptions being positions like managing editors, executive producers and news assistants. Salaries for on-air talent, like anchors and multimedia reporters, have risen at faster rate.

Starting salaries for new employees are also increasing. For TV, average starting pay went up by $1100, and for radio, average starting pay went up by $700.

To see RTDNA’s number and to learn more, visit their website.
