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Sanders: Hands Off Pay Media

Sanders: Hands Off Pay Media

We’re seeing some pushback in Congress on efforts to draw cable, satellite TV and pay radio under the FCC’s indecency rules.
Rep. Bernard Sanders, an Independent from Vermont, has introduced the “Stamp Out Censorship Act of 2005,” a measure that would prohibit the FCC from imposing penalties for indecent broadcasts on providers of video over cable television systems, satellite carriers, the Internet or non-broadcast providers.
Five House co-sponsors are Neil Abercrombie, D-Hawaii; Rick Boucher, D-Va.; Jim McDermott, D-Wash.; Ron Paul, R-Texas and Diane Watson, D-Calif.
Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, has voiced support for NAB’s efforts to lobby lawmakers to have the commission level the playing field on indecency issues.

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