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SBE Announces National Award Winners

Edward J. Miller chosen for Flanders award while Wulliman goes to Dennis Baldridge

Edward Miller The Society of Broadcast Engineers has made its annual announcement of SBE National Awards.

Edward J. Miller has been selected as the Robert W. Flanders Engineer of the Year. Miller was a long-time engineer for WEWS(TV) in Cleveland. He’s also a former national SBE president, a long-serving frequency coordinator for Northeastern Ohio, a two-time chapter chairman and has been involved in many SBE activities.

Winner of the James C. Wulliman SBE Educator of the Year award is Dennis Baldridge, CPBE, 8-VSB, AMD, DRB, CBNT. Baldridge too has been intimately involved with SBE activities on local and national scales. He’s a member of the SBE Technical Presenters Group and has conducted many webinars as part of SBE’s educational efforts. He’s a member of the SBE Educational Committee.

Dennis Baldridge Chriss Scherer, editor of Radio World’s sister publication Radio, will receive the Best Technical Article, Book or Program for his PowerPoint-based tribute to SBE Founder John Battison at the SBE National Awards Dinner last year.

Selected for the SBE Technology Award is Vislink Broadcast for its NewStream multimode mobile transmit system.

Ohio chapters shined with Chapter 70 in Cleveland procuring the Best SBE Chapter Newsletter award and the chapters in Cincinnati, Columbus and Youngstown sharing the Best Regional Conference or Convention award for their efforts with the 10th Annual SBE/OAB/SMPTE Fall Engineering Conference, September, 2012.

Other chapter awards are made on the basis of membership size with class A being chapters whose membership is less than the national median and class B chapters with a membership greater than the national median. They were:

Greatest Growth in New Members Award
A — Chapter 96, Rockford, Ill.
B — Chapter 68, Birmingham, Ala.

Most Certified Chapter Award
A — Chapter 96, Rockford, Ill.
B — Chapter 131, Inland Empire (California)

Highest Average Member Attendance Award
A — Chapter 146, Virgin Islands
B — Chapter 131, Inland Empire (California)
