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SBE Certification at AES Draws Six

Society will weigh plan for next year

The Society of Broadcast Engineers will assess whether to hold a certification exam session again at next year’s AES.

It tried the idea this year at the convention in New York, by invitation from the Audio Engineering Society, as RW reported prior. Six people sat for the exams.

SBE holds exam sessions at various times through local chapters, plus one at the spring NAB Show. This was the first session at an AES.

“While the number of examinees is not overwhelming, the SBE is pleased with the results of the effort,” it said in its announcement.

“The SBE Certification Committee will review the process to determine if the SBE will host another exam session at the 129th AES Convention to be held in San Francisco in 2010, although initial indications show the effort was a success.”
