Bill Kleronomos, KD0HG, in his element. See more pictures of Bill at Book of Memories.
The funeral service for William Kleronomos is this Sunday, Nov. 18 in Longmont, Colo.
The long-time chief engineer for Clear Channel’s KBCO(FM), Boulder, Colo. died Tuesday at the age of 61. The cause was not reported.
He had been the CE of KCBO since 1995. “While Bill was an integral part of the Denver engineering team there are many of us in this company that have also been touched by his willingness to help at any time. He was also very popular in the ham radio community, KD0HG,” according to Mike Irby, director of engineering & IT for Clear Channel’s Denver cluster.
“I’ve worked with Bill for several years even before coming to Denver,” Mike told Radio World. “He was instrumental in the early days of Clear Channel’s HD rollout. KBCO was on the forefront of that and his findings helped many others in the company as they began installing their equipment. Bill loved radio and lived to help others anytime he could. There was never a time that I knew him to not be happy about life and what he was doing.”
“Bill was truly a good guy and a terrific broadcast engineer,” according to Dave Agnew, Clear Channel Radio engineering manager in northern Colorado. Agnew said when he moved to Fort Collins, Colo. in 2003, “I was the only engineer in the cluster and needed assistance from time to time with cover for vacation and other things. Bill was the guy who always covered for me and never said no.”
Kleronomos moved to Colorado from Chicago in 1980 and married Janice Saeger in 1989 in Boulder, Colo., according to a bio from his family. It states he was “proud of his work at KBCO over the years and the friendships he had there. Bill loved radio in all forms, especially ham radio.”
KBCO co-worker Scott Arbough says in a condolence that Kleronomos “was an amazing broadcaster that made KBCO sound warm and inviting. I am proud to have known him and to have worked with him for nearly 20 years. Bill was a loving soul with a beautiful smile, friendly eyes and marvelous sense of humor. He will live on in my memory forever.”
Kleronomos is survived by his wife, Janice, as well as two children.
Memorial services will be Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Howe Mortuary Chapel in with visitation one hour prior to the service. Memorial contributions may be made to the education fund for his children in care of Howe Mortuary. Services will conclude at the chapel.