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Several Broadcasters Support Proposed Major Mod Changes

Several Broadcasters Support Proposed Major Mod Changes

More than a dozen major radio companies have filed comments with the FCC supporting all or significant portions of a rulemaking request sought by First Broadcasting Investment Partners, LLC says the company. In April, First Broadcasting proposed a series of rule changes designed to improve the speed and efficiency of the FM and AM station modification process.
“Our proposed changes will help the FCC streamline the FM and AM station modification process and reduce the massive workload faced by the FCC staff,” states Gary Lawrence, president and vice chairman of First Broadcasting.
Companies filing supportive comments on all or key portions of the proposed rules include Radio One, Cox Radio, Clear Channel Communications, Susquehanna Radio Corporation, and Powell Broadcasting among others. In addition, the Minority Media and Telecommunications Council endorsed First Broadcasting’s proposal.
The FCC sought public comment on the proposed changes as the first step in reviewing its procedures governing FM and AM radio facility modifications and allocations. The FCC has not significantly refined its FM rulemaking procedures since 1982.
