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Share Your Memories of Kinsley Jones

Former DJ, engineer, Myat consultant passed away

Radio World has learned that former broadcast consultant Kinsley Jones recently passed away from cancer, according to several sources.

He most recently was a consultant for Myat, according to that company. His past included stints as a radio DJ, newsman, chief engineer and director of engineering for a radio station group.

Former Radio World sales rep Dale Tucker said of Jones via email “I miss him and always will.”

There was a memorial service last Saturday, Aug. 24, at Suncreek United Methodist Church in Allen, Texas.

Jones is survived by his wife Barbara and their children.

In lieu of flowers, Barbara has requested any remembrances be made as donations to the Baylor Cancer Center in Kinsley’s honor, specifically to the “Cancer Research” category, according to ERI’s Bill Harland, a long-time family friend. Barbara’s mailing address is 1008 E Berkeley Dr., Richardson, TX 75081.

A memory book for Jones’ family is planned, according to John Terry of ChurchillTerry: “If you have a fond memory of a happy time with Kin, a great story to share (and there are a million of them), or any other thoughts that will remind us of what a great man Kin was and the love and respect we all shared for him, please send it via email to Jolene Walker who has volunteered to coordinate that effort.”
